The Mission of the DMV (DC, MD, VA) Freedmen, who are Descendants of the Emancipated People in the United States is to educate, protect, and empower American Freedmen in order to advance our political agenda, which includes reparations and restorative justice.
Vision Statement
Forever Freedmen: Resilience, Resurrection, Resurgence, and Reparations for the Healing and Advancement of America.

Political Agenda
The DMV Freedmen Demand

Marianne Williamson, Author & 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate and Derrick Williams, DMV Freedmen Member
Reparations, which must include multigenerational cash annuity payments from the United States Federal Government, be awarded to those who stand in the shoes of U.S. chattel slaves who were emancipated in 1865, known under the legal status of American Freedmen. Debt forgiveness programs, federal tax cuts/breaks/credits for Freedmen must also qualify under the term - reparations.
The renewal of a Federal Bureau of Freedmen’s Affairs that will provide special services and funding to Freedmen directly or through contracts, grants and stipends in an effort to close the racial wealth divide.
Any federal program, like the renewal of the Freedmen Bank, bearing the Freedmen name, history and legacy as the justification for its existence will be established for and run by Freedmen exclusively until the racial wealth divide is closed. Once the racial wealth divide is closed, other groups may apply for participation; however, the institution will remain operated and managed by Freedmen in perpetuity.
Federal protections against hate crimes conducted by all groups, including white supremacist race soldiers and the Ku Klux Klan.
The establishment of local offices of Freedmen’s Affairs (in each state, county, or city where Freedmen are highly populated) that will notify and assist in the application of local/state programs and initiatives specific to and for Freedmen.
Local (District of Columbia - D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) restorative justice initiatives that make those who descend from emancipated people or American Freedmen whole. These measures shall include: the return of land and property stolen, state and local tax cuts on business, real estate, personal property, education loans and general sales taxes.
The introduction of true and factual American history in D.C., MD, and VA schools and the removal of anti-CRT based laws and legislature. Allow teachers to teach fact-based history again without fear of retribution, disciplinary actions, and/or dismissal.

Donate to the DMV Freedmen
If you are interested in supporting the DMV Freedmen and advancing the Reparations Movement, please follow these instructions to make a donation through our fiscal sponsor The Center for Racial Equity and Justice:
Click this link.
Determine your gift amount.
Click 'Where Needed Most.'
Select 'Add Message' and type 'DMV Freedmen' so the donation is earmarked for our efforts.
Click 'Give Now' and follow the payment instructions.